Special features & origin of name
The locals used to call it Grabenhorn. It was Domherr Berthold from Sitten who established the name Dom as the final name. In August 1833, he went to the Mischabel massif for surveying and named the mountain in the middle Dom. 25 years later, the highest mountain in Switzerland was climbed for the first time.
This peak belongs to the Mischabel massif. How did the Mischabel get its name? Mischabel is simply derived from the word "fork", and the Täschhorn, Dom and Lenzspitze strive upwards like the trident of a fork. The Mischabel range stretches over six kilometers and includes seven four-thousanders.
Mountain and SAC huts nearby
The Mischabelhütte is located on a narrow rocky ridge between the Hohbalm and Fall glaciers at an altitude of 3,340 m asl, making it the third-highest SAC hut in Switzerland. The steep ascent (four hours from Saas-Fee, three hours from Hannigalp) is strenuous, but the reward at the top is more than worth it. The view into the distance and into the depths is breathtaking!