An unforgettable experience in the magnificent mountain & glacier landscape.
Discovery | Plattjen or Spielboden
A flight over the glacier village. Flight duration: approx. 5 minutes Duration of the activity: approx. 1 hour Price: CHF 130.- incl. photo/video + CHF 30.-
Morenia | Fee Glacier
From the top station of the Morenia chairlift over the Fee glacier down to Saas-Fee. Flight duration: 5-10 minutes Duration of activity: approx. 1 hour 30 minutes Price: CHF 170 incl. photo/video + CHF 30.-
Panorama | Mittelallalin
The adrenaline-filled flight over crevasses. Flight duration: 10-30 minutes Duration of the activity: approx. 2 hours Price: CHF 270.- incl. photo/video + CHF 30.-
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